Uphill Access

Uphill Access at Snowbowl
Due to the Kahtoola Uphill Race, Uphill Access will be closed on the evening of February 8, 2025. Uphill Access will reopen tomorrow at 4:30 AM.
You are required to have an Uphill Access Permit on you while traveling during uphill access hours. Fill out the permit form below, and pick up your armband at Guest Services in the Hart Prairie Lodge during business hours.
Arizona Snowbowl operates under a special use permit from the Coconino National Forest. We enhance the use of your public land. Please keep in mind that uphill travel is a privilege and not a right on USFS-permitted land by providing access to the Peaks, plowing the roads, sharing our parking lots, and supporting Flagstaff culture of outdoor recreation.
Arizona Snowbowl Uphill Access: Uphill Access by means of skinning, snowshoeing, and hiking continues to gain popularity at Arizona Snowbowl. Arizona Snowbowl and the Coconino National Forest acknowledge the enjoyment of uphill use within the ski area boundary. We welcome and support individuals seeking to exercise and enjoy the quiet mountain setting. Mountain users can help preserve this opportunity by following these simple guidelines:
Under the Arizona Skier Safety Act any person using any of the facilities of a ski area is considered a skier, and as such is required to adhere to, and obey all posted information, and to be aware of trail closures and other operational considerations. The ski area is not maintained for uphill access, and trails are not patrolled outside normal ski area operating hours, therefore emergency services may not be available.
Be especially aware of and avoid inherent risks including other skiers and riders approaching from above or below when on-mountain, terrain variation, changing weather conditions, snowmobiles, snowcats, winch cat cables, snowmaking hoses, and other equipment may be encountered at any time. This is a partial list -please be safety conscious.
There are other inherent risks while recreating at the ski area, so be aware that you assume all risks of injury and property damage.
You are responsible for your own safety at all times while in the Arizona Snowbowl permitted area. Use the buddy system and always go with a friend!
For additional uphill information and updates please visit FlagstaffUphill.com
Revised Uphill Access Route:
Please keep in mind, the route has been changed for the time being, due to ongoing snowmaking and grooming operations.
The current Uphill Access route includes Lower Northstar, Northstar, Rattlesnake, and Stump Patch with the turnaround point of the route being at the end of the flats below “waterfall” on Lower Ridge. See the map below.
Uphill Access Hours:
- Monday-Friday: 5 am to 8 am & 5 pm to 8 pm
- Saturday & Sunday: 4:30 am to 7:30 am & 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm
General Information
Parking for Uphill Access is located in lot 2 only (below the entry gate to the right). Please do not park inside the gate, vehicles are subject to towing.
Please check the Uphill Access kiosk located in parking lot 2 for Uphill Access closure information, Uphill Access routes, and important updates.
Guests enjoying Uphill Access must climb and ski on designated trails only.
While enjoying Uphill Access, stay to the climber’s right while traveling up the trail and the skier’s left when traveling down the trail.
Please do not ski in the middle or across the trail as groomers will be at work. If you encounter a groomer at work in a snowcat, stay clear of all operating equipment and do not assume the operator can see you. Proper etiquette is to move to the side of the trail and let the snowcat pass.
All terrain parks will be closed during Uphill Access hours. Please do not enter terrain parks while on the mountain during Uphill Access hours.
Reflective clothing and wearing a headlamp is recommended for all guests participating in Uphill Access.
No motorized vehicles are allowed on the ski slopes including, but not limited to snowmobiles.
Dogs are not allowed on the ski trails at any time.
Avalanche Control
Uphill Access during avalanche hazard mitigation operations will be closed.
Avalanche danger may exist following any new amount of snow or wind, which may result in Ski Patrol conducting avalanche hazard mitigation work, including the use of explosives.
Violation of an avalanche hazard mitigation closure or any closure will result in revocation of Uphill Access pass.
Participants must be aware of, and avoid all mountain hazards. These hazards include, but are not limited to:
Winch cat operations: Under no circumstance may anyone access any area where winch cat operations are taking place. Winch cat operations involves cables that are stretched tightly across the terrain and skiing into them could result in serious injury or death.
Snowcat grooming: Please give snowcats adequate space and make yourself visible to operators. Do not assume the operator will see you.
Do not ski/ride between snowmaking machines and hydrant locations on edge of trail.
Hoses used for snowmaking have very high pressure, do not ski over hoses.
Snowmaking electrical cords are high voltage. Do not ski over electrical cords
Do not assume a snowmobile can stop in time to avoid you.
Other hazard areas, operations, or conditions may exist. Ski/ride at your own risk!
Rescue outside of ski area operational hours is conducted by the Coconino County Search and Rescue. Should an emergency arise while partaking in Uphill Access, call 911.
Form & Waiver
You are required to have an Uphill Access pass on you while climbing/skiing during Uphill Access hours. Register for your 2023/2024 Uphill Access pass here and then pick up your Uphill Access pass at Guest Services at the Hart Prairie Lodge during business hours.